All photos from Jean-Marie Gremen
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The 3 Magus
The Video
Look out! These 3 men are going to lie to you, fool you and deceive you; however, you’re going to adore them.
The 3 Magus
The team:- David, Stéphane and Maverick;  3 of the best magicians.
Characteristic:-  The little snag – they’re completely off their trolleys, elegant and funny at the same time, they’ll surprise you, fool you, maybe even irritate you …… and you’re going to love them.
Their mission:- To add sparkle to bid festive events, seminars, business dinners, gala evenings, festivals, weddings, birthday parties and fetes……
Their “weapons”:-  Close-up (table magic).
      -  Show magic -  mix of great illusions, comic magic, gags and mentalism.